Within a future city it is essential to organize daily traffic for best efficiency and optimize parking management.
By implementing the STE Sensors solution it is possible to manage quickly and easily parking systems, vehicle transit, automatic traffic lights control and supervise emergency situations such as accidents, roadworks or traffic jams.
The use of all of the above solutions improves significantly traffic flow and, in general, enhance living standards in urban environment.


Traffic management is one essential daily issue for future ​ urban environments. Thanks to the right network it will be possible ​ to keep track of traffic volumes, to control traffic lights as well as ​ remotely manage car accidents and general failures. On top of all ​ these instruments we can also consider a smart management of ​ parking lots which will daily ease the convoluted and congested​ traffic of our cities.​ ​


Thanks to extremely performing sensors it becomes​ possible to put in place a network to wisely manage and​ control parking lots and traffic flows.​

The sensor can be used either hidden underground​ underneath the pavement or glued to the pavement at​ street level.